If your ophthalmologist has diagnosed dry eye syndrome linked to common meibomian blepharitis , then you have probably been prescribed eye care. Eyelid care is also called: “eyelid hygiene”, “eyelid massage”, “blepharitis care”…

Eyelid massages are the main treatment for your blepharitis and its consequence, dry eyes.

Please note, these treatments should not be carried out within 4 weeks following eye surgery!

Why massage the eyelids?

A fatty , oily part (called “ meibum ”).

The oily part is secreted by glands located in your eyelids: the Meibomian glands . It opens just behind the eyelashes. When a patient has blepharitis, these glands become blocked and inflamed; the quality of tears deteriorates and the eye becomes dry . Massages help stabilize the tear film, limit local inflammatry phenomena or even prevent the recurrence of chalazions.

Most often, blepharitis does not cure. The treatment stops its progress and reduces the symptoms. It is necessary ot to stop it completely and to carry out massages for life .

The time at which you perform eyelid care does not matter. Only their good performance and your regularity count.

Can applying a heat source improve the effectiveness of massages?

The heat in contact with your eyelid will liquefy the meibum and promote its evacuation through massage. For this you have several alternatives:

Massage your eyelids just after taking a shower : the steam and hot water are enough in some cases to liquefy the contents of the eyelids and soften the eyelids.

Apply a washcloth or compress soaked in warm water to your eyelid. However, it is advisable to regularly reheat the linen or compress, which can cool down in a few tens of seconds.

Apply a heating mask , prescribed by your ophthalmologist. The mask must be kept in contact with the eyelids for a few minutes.

What are the right actions to perform massages correctly?

The lower eyelids are easily pinched and rolled between the thumb and index finger, using regular pressing movements. This gesture must be carried out step by step, in several places on the eyelid, in order to be able to press all the Meibomian glands.

The upper eyelids will instead be treated by applying the index finger, flat, sliding from the inside to the outside, applying regular pressure across the entire width of the eyelid.

When the massages are well performed, the mechanical emptying of the glands can lead to the flow of an oily substance at the edge of the eyelid; This is meibum . Sometimes, the meibum takes the appearance of a solid paste, perfectly illustrating the mechanism of obstruction of the gland.

Cleaning wipes

The wipes are impregnated with molecules which help fight against the proliferation of certain micro-organisms at the base of the eyelashes.

With the wipes, gently rub the base of the eyelashes, on each eyelid. Small crusts may then come off. This is actually the phenomenon we are looking for.

Artificial tears

The instillation of lubricating eye drops is a complement to eyelid care. They cannot in any way replace them, since they do not correct the phenomenon of obstruction of the meibomian glands. Artificial tears are mainly symptomatic. They help to reduce discomfort, pain or the sensation of a foreign body.

Antibiotics and anti-inflammatories

In rare cases of severe blepharitis, it is sometimes necessary to initiate antibiotic , anti-parasitic or  anti-inflammatory treatments .

Self-medication with these molecules is strongly discouraged. These treatments are only necessary in special cases and it is necessary to make good use of them.